Revolax is a hyaluronic acid filler that is used for wrinkle improvement
and tissue restoration. This product is divided into Revolax Fine,
Deep and Sub-Q depending on the application.
* This product has manufacturing license for export of medical devices.
THE CHAEUM products classified as medical devices are part of a domestic brand and the product lineup includes THE CHAEUM Premium No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, and Moist, depending on the application.
DERMALAX is a brand for export and this product can be classified into Dermalax, Deep and Implant depending on the application.
* This product has manufacturing license for export of medical devices.
VOLUS 10™ is a high-volume (10 mL) HA filler primarily used for penile enlargement, and it holds a manufacturing license for the export of medical devices.