Revolax is a hyaluronic acid filler that is used for wrinkle improvement
and tissue restoration. This product is divided into Revolax Fine,
Deep and Sub-Q depending on the application.
* This product has manufacturing license for export of medical devices.
THE CHAEUM products are domestic sales brand and this product is classified into THE CHAEUM Premium No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4, and Moist depending on the application.
* This product is a medical device.
DERMALAX is a brand for export and this product can be classified into Dermalax, Deep and Implant depending on the application.
* This product has manufacturing license for export of medical devices.
Volus 10 is a high-volume (10ml) hyaluronic acid filler that is mainly
used for penile enhancement and body contour.
* This product has manufacturing license for export of medical devices.